Fat Dissolving Injections

What is Aqualyx?

Aqualyx is a fat dissolving treatment that targets fat removal from certain areas. Excess fat in stubborn areas can be an issue for many men and women, despite exercise and a good diet. These fatty areas sometimes just don’t want to budge, but the likes of liposuction may seem too extreme a solution. That’s when Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Injections can help!

How Does it Work?

A specially-formulated solution is injected into the fat cells. The solution works by attaching to fatty deposits, breaking them down over time. The fat is then naturally dissolved and flushed out by the body.

Which areas can be Treated?

• Stomach
• Double Chin
• Upper Arms
• Back
• Hips
• Waist
• Outer and inner thighs

When will I start to see results?

Most clients notice a visible difference within six weeks with subsequent treatments further improving the overall result.

The number of treatments required ranges between 1-5, with intervals of four weeks in-between.


Small area from £55

(Double chin)

Large area from £175

(Stomach | Hips | Arms | Back | Thighs)

Buy 3 sessions get 4th one Free